5 Techniques to Make Mobile Call to Action Buttons Intuitive

UX Movement
6 min readMar 13, 2019

To tap or not to tap — that is the question on the user’s mind when they see a call to action button.

The more buttons there are, the longer it takes for users to decide. They have to examine each button to figure out which one best meets their goal. Any uncertainty could cause them to take no action or the wrong action.

You can prevent this by making your call to actions intuitive. When users can see which button is important to their task, they’re able to take action right away. Below are a few UX techniques you can use to make your call to action buttons intuitive.

Order Buttons According to Scanning Pattern

A common mistake designers make is to place their main call to action first because they want users to notice it first. This is unnecessary because the button’s visual weight already makes it noticeable.

Not only that, but placing the main call to action first breaks the user’s natural scanning pattern. Users have to scan all the buttons and then reverse their scanning direction to go back to the main call to action.



UX Movement

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